In this post I am going to explore how feeling insecure can affect your self esteem and confidence. As a consequence  how it can affect your ability to adapt to change. Secondly how the use of hypnotherapy and mindset work can give you the tools to embrace change.

As a Motivational Hypnotherapist and Mindset Coach when starting to work with a client I want to establish why their previous resistance to change has persisted.

The questions I ask for example are:

  • Is this just an old knee jerk pattern?
  • Is your refusal to adapt to change serving you now?
  • What are the positives to moving towards your goal or desire?

Usually a client gets in touch when they can’t take the pain of their situation any more.  I like to drill down and get clear on your why. What is it you desire, as an example ? It can explain more about the reasoning behind your self-sabotaging behaviour and procrastination? Usually it comes down to self protection.


In one of my recent blogs Embrace Change-say hello to opportunity I put forward the case that a fear of change is usually deep seated. Typically, how feeling worried with a fear of failure of being judged and fearful that you won’t succeed is usually the main cause.

Defensive behaviour can be triggered by not feeling involved with the proposed change in infancy.

  • Do you find yourself complaining about the planned change and angry with those pushing forward the alternatives?
  • Is your behaviour and language negative, dismissive, defensive or even aggressive about the proposed alterations?
  • Or do you hold back becoming withdrawn, suppressing your true feelings.

I don’t deserve

If something seems to be holding you back or keeping you in a state of resistance, there is a high possibility that you subconsciously feel that you are undeserving. To clarify, you may think that you want a better future, promotion, relationship, more money, be slimmer etc. In reality though any opportunity of change that comes up that would actually be beneficial to you, you have a pattern of resistance to that change.

For example I’ve worked with numerous weight loss clients who have shelled out lots of money in the past with diets and products in an attempt to shed their excess weight. Yet they rarely stick to it or habitually pile the weight back on again several months later. The reason is they haven’t unpicked their underlying insecurity of attracting too much unwanted attention. They feel they don’t deserve to look or feel amazing.

The same also applies to smokers. in my experience their smoking habit is frequently an emotional crutch. The fear of letting go of that long held support can hold a lot of fear based power.

Hypnotherapy transitions you to feeling excited and safe

Crucially part of the work we undertake in a course of hypnotherapy sessions is to ‘sell ‘the desire to change to your subconscious. So that you begin to feel excited and positive towards the goal or the new way of being or doing something. Once the subconscious is feeling safe and can see the benefits the likely hood of adapting to something new is more likely to succeed.

Secondly and crucially we focus on developing a more self reliant and loving relationship with yourself. You will recognise that you are unique and can let go of judging and begin to trust and forgive yourself.

The next stage is then you can let go of mistrust, fear, avoidance, and defence giving you the way forward to confidently make those changes you have been putting off and self sabotaging your efforts.

In short by understanding how and why you are resistance to change. During a hypnotherapy session the therapist can help you go beyond your old habit of self sabotage and defence, to help you realise a better outcome for you.

Here’s how I work with those who want to create beneficial change in one or more areas of their life.

Step 1: I invite you to book a Complimentary Discovery Call with me so I can establish what your particular issue is that you are looking o change.

On this call (which will last between 30-45mins) I will be able to give you some practical tips and advice to help you feel more in control.

Step 2: At the end of the call I will explain how I can help you in a bigger way and will suggest the number of sessions I believe will allow you to  achieve your goal – should you wish to receive further support from me. The number of sessions recommended is based on your specific situation.

Step 3: We identify the best way for you to access your sessions. The way in which I work and help people can either be done face to face or online via Skype. I don’t want time and travel to be a barrier for you getting the help and support you need.

To Claim Your Complimentary Discovery Call Click Here – you will then be able to select the day & time which works best for you