
Play, Create, Be Free: Mindful Art Workshops

Are you yearning to express yourself more freely, to rediscover the joy of play, and to tap into your inner creativity? If you've been feeling stuck, frustrated, or fearful about expressing your artistic side, you're not alone. Many of us long to reconnect with our...

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The Power of Creative Visualisation

I was first introduced to the notion of Creative Visualisation twenty years ago. I bought a book at Heathrow airport looking for something to read on my way to meet my husband, who was working in Paris at the time. I was attracted to buy Shakti Gawain's Book Creative...

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How to Stop your Expectations Stressing you Out

There are several contributory factors that get your stress going. One of the biggest reasons is your expectations. It could be for example the expectation of others, an event and importantly your expectation of yourself. The problem is typically we expect to produce...

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How to Achieve Exam Success with Hypnosis

It’s that time of year again when the nation’s students are gearing up to sit their exams. Anxiety, tension, stress and nerves are at their peak. Not just for the students, parents, carers and tutors too. As a mindset coach I’ve helped many students go from panic to...

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Are You Ready to Heal the World?

February is a welcome month for me...spring feels ever closer and it's the month where the emphasis is on expressing and sharing the love. Here I want to celebrate and share with you the magnificent power of love and not just the romantic kind. My FREE gift to you is...

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Clear Emotional Eating With Hypnotherapy

I’m currently working with several women to help them overcome their emotional eating habit. My heart goes out to clients when they explain how confused they are about weight loss trends and how out of control they have become with their eating habits

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How Hypnotherapy Can Help Menopause Symptoms

In this blog I help to unpick how hypnotherapy can help not only overcome distressing symptoms of the menopause. But also just how hypnotherapy and mindset coaching helps to move a woman positively through this life changing phase.

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How Hypnotherapy Gives You Tools To Embrace Change

In this post I am going to explore how feeling insecure can affect your self esteem and confidence. As a consequence  how it can affect your ability to adapt to change. Secondly how the use of hypnotherapy and mindset work can give you the tools to embrace change. As...

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Clues That You Are Dodging Change

Throughout my career as a mindset coach and hypnotherapist I recognise the clues that indicate a client is resistant to change. Read through and note if any of this relates to you.

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Embrace Change-say hello to opportunity

I used to absolutely fear and dread any form of change. I can remember when I was a 10 year old sobbing every night during the summer holidays. Because my approaching last year at juniors meant they were going to mix up the two top classes. Resulting in my best friend...

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Exploit Your Fab 4 Happy Hormones

Discover how to exploit Your Fab 4 Happy Hormones and remain feeling in control and able to stay more buoyant emotionally.
Winter 2021 coupled with covid-19 and all the frustration, loneliness, and anxiety that comes with it we need more than ever to practice essential self care.

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Hypnotherapy Solutions to Losing Weight and Unwanted Habits

If you are you one of the 33% of those surveyed according to latest research who has gained weight since March 2020? (out of 1.6 million responded.), read on and discover how hypnotherapy is an effective solution to help change unwanted habits Are you finding yourself...

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9 Ways to Avoid Falling Out in Lockdown

We are four weeks in to lockdown and I’ve been hearing from a number of people now that we’ve settled into the new routine, that the strain and cracks are beginning to show in our relationships. Read my 9 Ways to Avoid Falling Out in Lockdown with your nearest and...

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Staying Positive During Lockdown and Beating the Blues

  Whatever your situation during the COVID-19  situation, whether you are now caring for children home from school, classified as being in an “at risk” category, are facing income instability, have had to self-isolate, or are feeling the wobbles that many of us...

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How to Find the Love of Your Life and Keep It Forever!

Welcome to my Valentines special, where I want to focus on how finding true love can be a huge benefit to you. Impacting successfully on your personal, career and professional life. What are you looking for in the ideal love of your life? Is it someone... to share...

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How to Avoid Burnout in Your Organisation

In this timely article we take a look at burnout at work to acknowledge International Stress Week. This year’s theme is Resilience. How do you as an employer protect your over achievers from exhaustion? Who is most prone to burnout and what action do you need to take...

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How to Deal With a Wobble

Trying to do it all alone can be really hard work can’t it? Especially if you have a profession, or a job or a career that feels like you are struggling on your own with your set of life circumstances. Do you feel you have no one to share your current struggle with when you are having a wobble?

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Do You Have a Problem With Holidays?

What’s your take on holidays?…loath or long for them? Do you dread the never ending ‘To Do List’ before you head off. Do you feel exhausted and completely burnt out at the outset of that much longed for vacation, irritable and unable to relax and wind down? Discover how mindset coaching can help overcome your dread and get you back in control.

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Fears, Phobias, Anxiety and Holidays-What’s the Connection?

For those of you going on holiday it can bring up a whole host of emotions, pleasurable and exciting as well uncomfortable dormant issues, that tend to re surface once the suitcases comes out.
For those of you going on holiday it can bring up a whole host of emotions, pleasurable and exciting as well uncomfortable dormant issues, that tend to re surface once the suitcases comes out. Classic Issues such as fear of flying, travel sickness and relationships can rear up.  I have some suggestions using hypnosis and interesting case studies that I would like to explore with you.

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Why More Men are Ready to Cry

From a male point of view does your woman allow you to explore your true masculine self? How and who do you confide in and how comfortable are you to express your vulnerability? And... As a woman, how would you like to see the men in your life feel free to express...

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Why We Give Up So Easily

4 Easy Steps to Get your Brain into Gear and Stop You giving Up So Easily I began working with a new client yesterday, who has been suffering with ME for the past 20 years. She has been ignoring herself, putting family and everything else first. Subconsciously sending...

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Nine Steps to Avoid Overload

What do you need to do differently so you can have the energy and focus you need to accomplish a better quality life? If you are feeling exhausted, overwhelmed and unproductive you are not alone. Have a look at my nine point check tried and tested effective list to...

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Learn How to Manage and Live Through Divorce and Separation

Are you struggling to come to terms to with separation and divorce? I have pulled together 9 essential components that contribute towards helping you navigate your way through those overwhelming emotions. Essentially it is deciding to change your mindset. To move away...

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How Hypnotherapy Helps Reduce Stress

Increasingly my work as a Mindset Coach, hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner has involved working with men and women from all walks of life to help them resolve and gain control of overriding anxiety and the incapacitating knock on effects of stress. The main...

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How do you reward yourself at the end of the day?

Has your relationship with alcohol gone beyond pleasure? How many of you reach for an alcoholic drink after work? What it is during your working day that spurs you to have one drink too many? Alcohol has become a signal that the day is done. It’s time to unwind, to...

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Get a good night’s sleep with Hypnotherapy

When was the last time you snatched just a few hours of good sleep? Chances are, you felt pretty rough the following day. As a one-off, it’s just tolerable. But, night after night, day after day... According to the NHS, a staggering 1 in 3 people suffer from insomnia....

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To claim your free place on this webinar training simply click on the button below and enter your details.